Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cannes Film Festival Looks

I was going to write a post about the Cannes Film Festival beauty looks that I loved the most but as I kept glancing through the pictures, I realized that the amount of pictures I liked were NONE! Nothing inspired me or made me go I wanna try this! To me it was just more of the same.

Yes, there were people who I thought looked great on the red carpet (Salma Hayek, who can do no wrong in my eyes), but this is not a fashion blog... sorry.

Then, as I was wasting time this morning while I should have been getting ready for work, I came across this picture on Hot Child In The City and said Eureka! [Ok, I didn’t say ‘eureka’, but that doesn’t matter; my general reaction was the same].


Can we all take a look at this? Can we look at the amount of cute-ness in this picture? Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling! And more importantly, Michelle Williams’ cute hair!

She gets an A++ in my book. OK yes, I am a little biased. I do love Michelle Williams in general, but I digress. This, I think, is a hard haircut to pull off! You have to be attractive and have “nice bone structure” among other things... To me, this look on Michelle is a win.

[And P.S. - look how cute a couple they are. This alleviates my longing for the Rachel and Ryan, the sadness I had when they spilt. Gone! (Almost.)]

P.P.S. - Join my facebook group! The group is shared with my Beauty Products Examiner page, but I’ll be posting updates about the same things, so become a fan today!

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